Understanding 2290’s

Photo of a truck driver

The lives of owner-operators, drivers, and carriers are filled with forms, deadlines, and equally important: taxes. On one hand, fuel taxes are always in a carrier and driver’s line of sight, as they need to be filed 4 times a year. However, those are not the only taxes that a trucker needs to pay attention to. Once a year, every driver needs to file the 2290s as well. 

2290’s, are the IRS forms filed to pay for the HVUT – which stands for Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax. This is an annual tax that applies to drivers of vehicles who drive through public highways and have a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. The taxes corresponding to the 2290’s filing is calculated based on the weight of the vehicle and the miles traveled during that tax period. 

Just as regular taxes, the HVUT is paid once a year, and the deadline to file the 2290s forms is August 31st. To void any penalties, the 2290s must be filed, and the HVUT paid before that deadline. 

The 2290 form is used to: 

  • Estimate the amount of taxes due on a highway vehicle that had a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. Pay the taxes due.
  • Estimate and pay the taxes corresponding to a vehicle that was included in a suspension statement on another 2290 Form, if the vehicle traveled more miles than the limit during that period.
  • Estimate the taxes due for a vehicle that increased in weight during the period.
  • File for a suspension from the tax if the vehicle is expected to drive less than 5,000 miles or less than 7,500 miles if it’s agricultural, during that period.
  • Ask for a credit for taxes paid on vehicles that were damaged, stolen, sold, destroyed, or used for 5,000 miles or less (7,500 if agricultural).
  • Report the addition of a used taxable vehicle that had suspended its tax.
  • Estimate and pay the taxes due for a used vehicle that was added and used during that period. 

Do you have to wait a full year to pay your HVUT when you get a new truck? 

No. When you purchase a new vehicle, you must file the 2290s by the last day of the month that follows the month of first use of the vehicle. 

For example: If you purchase a vehicle on October 3rd, (after the August 31st deadline), and you drive the vehicle from the dealership to your house or anywhere, you must file the 2290s form by the end of November. In this case, it would be by November 30th

This rule applies to every new vehicle purchased. After that first filing, you can resort to filing and paying the 2290s/HVUT, by August 31st of each year.  

After filing and paying the 2290s/HVUT taxes, where does your money go? 

The money from the HVUT taxes ends up in the Highway Trust Fund. This entity then provides the funds for the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) to maintain the roads and highways that most heavy vehicles use, and build new ones when necessary.

Do you still have some doubts? Contact one of our associates today to walk you through the 2290s and everything you need to stay compliant.

We want to see you succeed!