In the logistics and transport industry, the safety and compliance of your fleet begin with hiring qualified drivers.
Like the vital documents in a permit book, each step in the hiring process is a crucial link to operational legality and efficiency.
It is for this reason that, in our latest article, we seek to walk you through the new driver onboarding process.
By following these key steps, every hire that you make will be a strategic move towards a safer and a more compliant fleet:
1. Collect the driver’s CDL
A driver’s Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) is the foundational document for their professional journey.
Collecting and reviewing the CDL is the first critical step in the hiring process, setting the stage for a thorough vetting.
2. Have driver complete pre–employment application
A comprehensive pre-employment application gathers more than just contact information; it delves into medical history, accident records, and work history, ensuring you have a complete picture of your potential hire’s background.
3. Submit driver documents for a quote
An insurance quote is an assurance of coverage.
For this season, submitting the CDL and Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) for one is critical, as it aids you by assessing the risk and insurance costs associated with a new driver.
4. Get the insurance company’s green light
The driver getting the nod from the insurance company signifies the driver’s eligibility to be part of your team under your coverage, marking a significant milestone in the hiring process.
5. Verify registration and queries
The Clearinghouse acts as a repository, holding critical information on drug and alcohol program violations.
Therefore, verifying that a driver is registered in it and running a pre-employment query is essential, in order to ensure they meet the federal standards for safety.
6. Send driver to take pre-employment drug test
Before a driver can take the wheel, they must pass a drug test – a safety verification that’s as non-negotiable as an annual truck inspection.
Once you have received a “not prohibited” result from the Clearinghouse, you must immediately send the driver to take it.
7. Collect the medical card
A medical card is proof of a driver’s health and ability to drive – a testament to their medical fitness for duty.
8. Verify the Medical Registry number
By verifying the Medical Registry number, you will ensure that the medical professional who certified the driver is accredited.
9. Wait to receive negative drug test results
Awaiting a negative result before dispatching a driver is a prudent step, marking the last checkpoint for safety before the journey begins.
Hiring a driver is more than just filling a seat; it’s about ensuring that each person behind the wheel adds to the safety and compliance of your operation.
By following these steps, you are not only investing in the individual but also fortifying the integrity of your fleet.
Stay updated, stay compliant, and drive your business forward with confidence.